Kendo Equipment

Kendo equipment consists of swords, a uniform, and armor.

There are two types of wooden swords used. First, the bokken or bokuto (木刀), a solid wood sword made of oak or another suitable hardwood. The bokken is used for basics and forms practice (kata). Second, the shinai (竹 刀), is made up of four bamboo staves and leather. The shinai is used for full contact sparring practice.

The uniform or dogi consists of woven cotton top called a keikogi (稽古着)and pleated skirt-like trousers called a hakama(袴).

The armor or bogu (防具) consists of four pieces: the helmet (men 面), the body protector (do 胴), the gloves (kote 小手), and the hip and groin protector (tare垂れ). Modern Kendo armor design is fashioned after the o- yoroi of the Samurai.

Here is a list of reputable vendors you can purchase bogu from:

About Gi and Hakama

How to size Gi and Hakama

How to wear Gi and Hakama

How to wash Gi and Hakama

About Bogu (Armor)

How to size Bogu

How to wear Bogu

How to take care of your bogu